There are moments in life when everything changes. When a quiet nudge becomes an undeniable push, when a flicker of faith ignites into a blazing fire. My journey to founding Brickhouse Ministries was not an overnight revelation, but a gradual, powerful transformation: one that shaped my faith, my family, and my mission in ways I never anticipated.
I was raised in the church, growing up in a Christian household where faith was ever-present. Sunday mornings were spent in the pews, prayers were said at the dinner table, and the Bible was always within reach. But like many, my understanding of Christianity remained surface-level for much of my early years. I knew the tenets of faith, but I hadn’t yet sought to understand the depth and richness of what it truly meant to follow Christ.
As I grew older, I found myself craving more. I wanted to not just believe, but to know why I believed. I wanted to understand theology beyond the Sunday sermons. That desire led me to an insatiable pursuit of knowledge: I began reading, researching, and studying, immersing myself in the works of great Christian thinkers. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know, and as my faith grew, so did my commitment to raising my own family in a Christian home.
It’s a truth I have come to know deeply: the more time you spend with Christ, the more you want to pursue Him. And yet, faith is often refined in fire.
The first major shake-up in my faith journey came with the passing of my father-in-law. Grief has a way of stripping away pretense, of forcing you to confront the reality of your beliefs. It was during this season of loss that I felt, for the first time, the Holy Spirit pushing me: not just to lean on my faith for comfort, but to step into something greater.
Being a husband to my wife as she grieved, watching my children experience their first brush with significant loss: these moments were painful, but they were also profound. It was as if God was preparing me, stirring something within me that I didn’t fully understand yet. I pressed further into my faith, hungry for more than just personal knowledge. I wanted to be able to articulate, defend, and share what I was learning.
My reading became more focused, more intentional. I dove deep into Christian theological works, exploring texts that challenged and strengthened my understanding of the faith. John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, John Williamson Nevins' The Mystical Presence, the works of C.S. Lewis, William Lane Craig’s philosophical defenses of Christianity: each book added another brick to the foundation of my faith. Even popular books like Not a Fan helped me see the difference between being a cultural Christian and a true disciple of Christ.
It was during this period that my heart began to feel an undeniable tug toward ministry. I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant at the time, but I knew I couldn’t ignore it. I began providing pulpit supply at my local church, stepping into a role that, while daunting, felt more natural than I had anticipated. Preaching and teaching the Word of God felt right: like something I had been called to all along. I was beginning to feel truly strong in my faith, as though I was stepping into the purpose God had laid out for me.
And then, the metaphorical asteroid hit.
My father was diagnosed with stage four cancer.
There is no way to prepare for a moment like that. No amount of theological study or intellectual knowledge could shield me from the raw, earth-shattering reality of watching my father battle such an illness. But in the midst of that heartbreak, I saw something incredible: I saw my father’s faith.
His unwavering trust in God through the darkest season of his life was nothing short of inspiring. He wasn’t just talking about faith: he was living it, breathing it, embodying it. It was this that pushed me to take my pursuit of ministry even further. I aggressively sought out theology and ministry classes, not just to grow my own faith, but to be equipped to share it. I began writing about faith, discussing it, teaching it, and most importantly: living it in a way I never had before.
Today, I feel a constant call from Christ to bring the gospel to anyone willing to listen. Brickhouse Ministries was born out of this calling: out of a deep-seated desire to help Christians strengthen their faith, to help families grow in their walk with God, and to be a voice for biblical truth in a culture that is rapidly drifting toward secularism.
Faith is not something that exists in a vacuum. It should permeate every aspect of our lives. That realization has transformed everything for me. My faith is no longer just a part of my life: it is the lens through which I see everything. When I run: my favorite hobby: I incorporate my faith, using the time to reflect, pray, and push myself as an act of worship. When I coach, my approach is shaped by my faith, encouraging young athletes not just in their sport, but in their character. My teaching, my parenting, my marriage: everything is now guided by my faith in a way that it never was before.
I have come to believe with every fiber of my being that the more you learn about Christ, the more you want to know Him. The more you know Him, the more you want to build a relationship with Him. And when you build a relationship with Him, your life changes in ways you never could have imagined.
Brickhouse Ministries exists to share that truth: to help others experience the transformative power of a faith that is not just believed, but lived. It is my mission to share the gospel in every way I can, to defend the faith with intellectual rigor, and to do my part in fulfilling the Great Commission.
The road that led me here has been anything but easy. There have been trials, losses, and moments of doubt. But through it all, God has been faithful. And if my journey can help even one person draw closer to Christ, then every challenge has been worth it.
This is the Brickhouse Story. A story of faith, of loss, of growth, and of calling. A story that is still being written, one step at a time, as I seek to follow Christ wherever He leads.